In CIC News

It is a fact that some 22 million Americans over the age of 12 use illegal drugs. That equates to about 9% of the total population according to The National Institute on Drug Abuse. This means if you employee 200 people and you don’t implement any form of drug screening, about 20 of your employees could be using drugs. It could be a little more or a bit less, but that is the ball park figure.

Every employer in our country has the responsibility of maintaining a workplace where employees can perform their required duties with minimal risk. Establishing a drug screening program is a vital component to ensure that your valued employees are free from any potential danger arising from injuries or accidents caused by drug misuse in the workplace. Studies suggest that adults who use illegal drugs are more likely to:

-Change jobs frequently

-Be late to or absent from work

-Be less productive

-Be involved in workplace accidents

-File a workers’ compensation claims

As a business owner or an HR manager, how do you work towards the goal of a drug-free workplace?

As a leader in the drug testing industry, CIC Screening advocates for a drug-free workplace. They are committed to providing research and science to help companies evaluate the big picture. There are many reasons to conduct workplace drug screenings such as:


-Reasonable suspicion

-Random testing

-Post-accident screenings

A comprehensive drug-free workplace program contributes to an environment free of the health, safety and productivity hazards caused by employees’ drug abuse. CIC Screening can partner with your business to help you comply with federal and state regulations and insurance carrier requirements. These programs improve workplace safety and reduce costs from the misuse of drugs in the workplace.  Take a stand on drug abuse as it relates to your business, a productive business is a drug free business.

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