Tenant Screening

Tenant Screening & Background Checks

Our services help landlords and property managers make sound screening decisions.
CIC Screening has the quality data and fast reporting you need to  access the correct information to get the right renter for your property.

CIC Screening’s easy-to-use online screening platform gives you access anytime to order reports.

Why Perform Tenant Background Checks

It is in the property owner’s best interest to know to whom they are renting by validating the application and investigating an applicant’s criminal and eviction status. Ensuring the right person for the right rental is one of the most important investments a landlord will make to protect their property and long-standing investments.

CIC Screening performs a background check for:

  • Property management groups
  • Development companies that manage their own units
  • Realty companies serving landlords
  • Corporate leasing
  • Business screening

Why Choose CIC Screening

CIC Screening delivers fast and accurate reports designed to each client’s requirements. Our friendly staff has extensive knowledge of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), federal and state laws, and industry regulations. We can help you mitigate risks, meet your rental criteria, and help you rent to the right tenants to build safe, friendly communities.

CIC Screening’s cutting edge technology will never get stale, and we make product enhancements on an almost quarterly basis.

CIC Screening’s applicant portal reduces data entry lead, gain efficiencies, and gives greater protection against discrimination concerns.

Our Re-Check Tool makes ordering a Re-Check upon lease renewal simple.

CIC Screening’s software platform is easy to integrate into your proprietary system or rental software.

Background Screening Reports

CIC Screening Screening Services are designed to provide:

  • Real-time reporting direct from the source with fast turnaround times
  • FCRA reporting of seven year misdemeanor convictions and ten year felony convictions confirmed by two or more identifiers
  • Enhanced criminal databases with more sources than most other companies
  • Status detail notes per service and per profile

Tenant Screening Services

Criminal Records

Real-time Statewide and County Criminal
Rapsheets National Criminal Database
Federal and International Sanction List
National Registered Sex Offenders
International Criminal

Civil Records

National Federal Civil
Statewide Civil Search
County Civil Search




Consumer Credit Reports with FICO Scores
Tax Verification Income
International Credit Reports
Business Credit Reports


People Search SSN Trace
International ID Verification


Online Small Landlord/Renter Solution

This is the individual Landlord solution that you’ve been waiting for!

Sign up to access credit reports with scores, criminal history, and evictions without signing an agreement!

Enter property details to set rental criteria to help stay compliant and let the software determine if the renter meets your standards. Reducing the discrimination risk that so many individual landlords don’t recognize until a federal agency a punative fine.

are unaware about until they get fined by a federal agency.

Contact Us for Complete Details by Service

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